For the month of July, Jim Holyoak and I are working on the Sentier d'art 3 in Parc Bois de Belle-Rivière in Mirabel, QC. Using pyrography tools for the first time, we are burning a drawing into the walls of a wooden cabin / refuge. The drawing is growing every day as we live and work in the Parc. We are also collaborating with technician Christine Boudreau to mount about 100 birdhouses around the outside of the cabin and surrounding trees. It our hope that these little houses will be inhabited by chickadees, wood ducks, swallows and squirrels around this time next year.
The cabin is rentable as a refuge for hikers and cross-country skiers. Visitors will sleep under a village of birds and other creatures which call Hibernacula home.
This project is administered by the Musée d'art contemporain des Laurentides. Thanks to Jonathan Demers, Sara Savignac and the whole staff!