From Nov. 5 - Nov. 26, 2015 I'll be the first long term artist-in-residence at "The Peanut Factory" in Edenton North Carolina. This monstrous old building is riding a transition from from factory to warehouse-commercial space to abandoned wreck to artist residency. The founders Julia Townsend and Lincoln Adams have put three hearty years of planning and construction into it between long stints in Dubai. I feel so lucky to be able to work here while it is in this shifting and unsettled state. I'll also be taking my drawing board out in the canoe for plein air swamp drawings. Click below for more images.
Here is a short statement about my time here:
My work comprises drawings, paintings and installations anchored in the realm of landscape. Typically, these landscapes reflect an anxiety I feel about the direction of human impact on the environment. They are imagined worlds of exploitation, abandonment and entropy, and they are often ambitious in scale.
Over the past year, I have switched tracks from the epic and distant to the intimate and near at hand. During my time at the Peanut Factory, I will cultivate a daily practice of observational drawing and painting. Using simple materials—ink, charcoal and watercolor—I will attempt to honestly transcribe what is around me. Through quiet and concentrated gestures, I hope to commemorate the shifting aspirations and nature of the factory.